If wanting to join the Temple itself, it is simply required to not be in contact with Greys regardless of how you resonate as they are not only the enemies of humankind, but also of the Igigi peoples (from the Universe of Origin) of which the Anunnaki/ Elohim High Council - most demonized by Abrahamic religions millennia ago- are from.
That can be trickier than it might seem because Greys impersonate pretty much any entity you can imagine and can make you feel very blissful if they want to possess you in a manner that seems positive vs their other method. They can convince you that you are an Incarnate of them, cementing possession further. Due to the bliss, you are less likely to want to get rid of them. What they teach you will be falsehood veiled in truths. It is likely that you may not be able to read energy signatures accurately due to the now embedded interference and be unable to recognize true Incarnates vs imposters. Your judgement in everyday life will also be clouded, but you won't care.
False bliss, occurring by manipulating energy centers and biochemical reactions, is not the same as the ecstasy that occurs during Ascension with real Gods. Typically, the New Age community and Charismatic Christian Fundamentalists are more susceptible, each displaying false speaking in tongues, feeling ecstasy, even behaving en masse during a meeting as if they are high on opium, laughing hysterically. Strange body movements- especially using the head and hands are also common. This may occur at onset of possession and will continue sporadically if intentional contact is reinitialized. This is how Greys convince people that they are benevolent: people
love feeling good. Because of this, it is too easy to be addicted to
their presence and possession.
While the New Age Community call the unintelligible babbling that also comes forth #LightLanguage, Charismatics call it speaking in tongues. It is neither. The vast majority of Charismatics are not speaking in genuine tongues. While New Agers think the phenomenon is channeling aliens of all kinds, Christians think it is evidence of being filled by/with the Holy Spirit. The NewAgers are somewhat correct. However, it is always greys no matter what they call themselves or what babbling language it is.
Greys are more likely to also approach the downtrodden, the mentally ill, drug addicts, those who use drugs for contact with otherworldly entities and those most likely to seek answers on the other side of the tracks: Black Arts, Luciferianism and Theistic Satanism. This is where you will see artwork of an entity that is supposedly Lucifer looking like a grey alien or black alien with the features of a grey.
Their other method is the negative possession against the religious- especially Catholics and Fundamentalist Christians or of other religions that believe in "demons". So-called demonic possession is typically them, but using a different method for a different part of their end game. This method is what you see portrayed in horror movies that are based on real stories. Although some true possessions by Daemons occur at such a level, it is very rare. So, you are likely to get greys impersonating Them.
Although such movies use exaggerated FX for the sake of making a point, it is they that cause the horrible effects upon real people and will claim to be high ranking Daemons. This pits humanity against the real Gods and toward the false egregores fabricated millennia ago. Perfect Possession, complete takeover, by a genuine Daemon manifested in/of Infernal frequency manifests as empowerment and a chilling calm composure that is unmistakable and seems more like psychopathy without actually being such- not in spitting out weird objects and behaving like a maniac.
"This is how Greys convince people that they are benevolent: people love feeling good. Because of this, it is too easy to be addicted to their presence and possession."
Greys realized long ago that it far easier to infiltrate and infest by working to keep the status quo. In doing so, they have helped humans that are susceptible to suspicion or extremism into continuing to hate one another and to "other" or demonize those who don't follow their morals and their version of "God" and continue to demonize the actual Creators. In this way they can continue impersonate Them and keep a grip on the planet and peoples' hearts, keeping the matrix in a hacked and infected state. While keeping a grip using the status quo, they keep hold on psychics, Magickians, and extremist Christians, Muslims and Jews.
So, Greys work not only the most open and susceptible in order to control people more personally, but on a larger scale, they pit nations against nations over religion and/or race and community against community of opposite polarities while simultaneously working within each polarity. They impersonate angels, Daemons, egregoric ancient Greek and Roman gods, and other aliens using the same holographic technology of the Creators, but not as advanced. Most noxious, they pretend to be the one "God" and have been raising their prophets quite convincingly.
After taking over the identity Enlil/ Elil/ Baal Berith, the Lord of the Covenant, they have ensured that the false egregore that was created using attributes from three real Creators, would hold reign over a large number of people. It was all too easy to also reveal themselves to a man in France, claiming they are Elohim, resulting in a cult movement worshiping them as such.
The Book of Elohim was channeled by that man. He started a cult called Raëlism, calling himself Raël. This further cemented the idea that the Anunnaki/ Elohim are really Greys! I assure you that We are not! The evidence that he is fraudulent is that the movement is called Raëlism and that he is elevating himself to a point of worship. Not even Elohim/ Anunnaki do this, let alone start a movement based on a spiritual name. An Incarnate may appreciate recognition, but that is not the same thing as demanding worship. We always point to the whole of the Anunnaki Council or to Anu/El as "Father" if of White Light"- even if our actual Father is not Anu, but another of the Anunnaki, and say things such as "Do not worship me. Stand.", if manifesting spontaneously or incarnating. Despite the claims of extremists to the contrary, those of Infernal vibration do not demand worship either.
"Us vs them" is a human weakness disguised as evolutionary survivalism and it is easy to manipulate. When used within a religious context, it becomes the strongest as fear disguised as faith and righteousness. Usually, they don't need to use negative possession. Negative possession simply strengthens the power of the Catholic Church and evangelical Fundamentalists who practice spiritual warfare very actively.
Greys also then use systems such as the Neo Nazi movement. It is famously documented by some in UFO enthusiast communities and believed by some Satanists that greys visited Hitler besides visiting US Presidents decades ago. The greys have convinced a number of Satanists to follow the Neo Nazi movement. When combined with White Supremacists of any belief system and Christian Nationalism, a very dangerous and false unity occurs against humankind. It is not the way of the Gods- including those some call "satans" and "Father Satan". Due to the hatred against Jews, it only seems to be Satanic.
Their goal is utter destabilization via deception and pitting people against one another. Check my video The Hacking of the Psychics in the Videos page and both episodes 1 and 2 of Season 1 of The Obsidian Temple Podcast (The Veils Fall) which explain everything. Greys do infamously impersonate even Lucifer! If afterward your head is doing a 360, imagine what all of this has been like for me - especially since I started to get to know the Gods and finally the missing pieces about Myself.
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