Ishtar offers a fresh perspective, revealing the truth concerning the identities and nature of certain ancient Gods of Mesopotamia, really technologically advanced entities. They include those so many call "God" and "Satan" today. While shocking, uncovering what happened millennia ago and returning certain true identities and attributes to Anunnaki/ Elohim Elders (The High Council), was absolutely essential for creating an opportunity for a mass faith reset of sorts.  

The continued survival of the human race and a decent way of life in peace and prosperity is possible for all. This diverse path may in fact be humankind’s best chance for true peace and survival- if followed, obliterating religious wars and the religious and moral persecutions and prosecutions that are based upon religion. Understanding of the original intentions of the Creators is now available via the true Incarnate Ishtar. 

In order to benefit from Ishtar’s message, all former assumptions and concepts of good and holy vs evil and impure- and God vs the Devil as well- must be at least temporarily suspended, and the possibility that there is more than one Creator pondered, in order to create the opening in your heart that is necessary to even consider what is being presented. There is truly nothing else like it. Otherwise, the message will fall on deaf ears and the masses will continue toward disaster- destroying one another over ideas that are historically and factually incorrect to begin with. Stubbornly holding fast to current perspectives will only bring about exactly what has been happening, is happening and will continue to happen toward destruction and much suffering.

The Creators do not demand worship and never have. 

Ishtar is here now in this era after over 40 years of preparation (of 59) and 23 years after a clinical Near Death Experience to and from the Universe of Origin in 2002, to set the record straight and as a last chance for humanity to continue in the realm.

For the first time in human history, there is a way for Black Light and White Light to find a home under the same canopy in unity while remaining diverse should respect for diversity stand.  Each polarity and those who travel between them must be respected for who they are, and the true purpose of polarities understood. Black Arts Practitioners such as Luciferians, Theistic and Spiritual Satanists, Demonolaters, Dark Pagans, Vampires and some other Traditional Witches) and White Light denizens such as those in New Age, Wicca and other Neo Pagans, open-minded Abrahamists and anyone else willing to consider a new perspective can find refreshment. 

Ancient Mesopotamian Revivalism is a religious and spiritual path that is personal, authentic to the individual, and inclusive of polarities minus extremes. Far Right, Alt Right and Far Left are necessarily excluded.  Ishtar is here to offer a fresh perspective on Who the Gods were and are, obliterating false dichotomies and transcending mainstream concepts concerning good vs evil, god vs the devil, false holiness vs purity of intention and heart and sincere communion. 

Ishtar has exposed what happened thousands of Earth years ago- an attempt to wipe out cultures and change the historical remembrance of the identifies of the Creators- especially the Divine Feminine. Ishtar believes that should even those of Abrahamic religions open up to the possibility that history was rewritten and Abrahamic texts falsely elevated as being the most ancient and accurate, there is a chance for real mass unity without tyranny. 

Do you have courage to ponder the impossible? Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.


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